Free workshop on how to be more sustainable as a business

NTU NZ Event

Carbon management covers a lot, and not just energy considerations, but how to make your business and products more attractive to sustainably conscious customers. These sessions are designed to help you and your business become more sustainable, deliver operational cost savings and develop a competitive edge for winning new business.

In this session we’ll start with a cuppa and an introduction to the networking event and NZIP programme. This will be followed by discussions around what sustainability means for your business and how you can embed sustainability in business practice. We’ll finish with an interactive activity looking at understanding where you are and developing a business case for sustainability, while identifying opportunities and risks relevant to your business and then networking opportunities.

This support is suited to any business with on-site premises in Bolsover District looking to reduce their operational costs and actualise carbon reduction.

Qualifying attendees will also receive a £300 bursary to cover the time spent away from your business.

Funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), The Bolsover Net Zero Business Support Programme provides a package of free support for businesses in the Bolsover district with their carbon management. We’re delivering a combined approach of bespoke on-site audits, consultancy and carbon management workshops.

This package of support is delivered by Nottingham Trent University’s School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment (ADBE) along with the Nottingham Business School (NBS). Both schools provide dedicated expertise in carbon reduction strategies for your business.

We do require businesses to enrol with us first so we can confirm the support on the project, so once you have booked a ticket through Eventbrite, you will receive an email from with an enrollment form to complete.

Please use that contact email for any questions or queries regarding this event, or you can call us on 01158485694.

You can also visit us at