Photo © Colin Smith (cc-by-sa/2.0)
The Business Start-Up Grant Scheme offers a grant of up to £500 to new businesses located in the district of Bolsover.
If you are planning to start a business or have been trading for less than 18 months you may be eligible to apply. Please read the FAQ below and download the Business Growth Guidance Notes for more information.

Am I eligible to apply for funding?
Businesses in any sector may apply for this grant, but you must have been trading for less than 18 months (or are planning to start trading), and be located in the district of Bolsover.
I haven't started trading yet, can I still apply?
Yes, businesses that are just starting up can apply before they begin trading.
What can the grant funding be used for?
Eligible expenditure includes but is not limited to:
- Equipment, tools and machinery
- Fixtures and fittings
- Website – only where this can be demonstrated to be a critical part of the business model for example shopping carts
- Marketing materials – for example business cards, flyers and brochures (this can include design costs)
- Computer hardware/software
- Exhibition stands and stalls and associated costs (excluding travel)
- Activities that support new ways of working
- Specialised and accredited training required to develop the business
What can't I use the grant funding for?
Ineligible expenditure includes but is not limited to:
- Stock/consumables
- Professional fees e.g. architect, accountant, consultant
- Planning Application and Building Regulation fees
- Essential running costs including wages/salaries, utility bills, overheads, insurance, tax
- Replacement items
- Vehicles
- Radio/vehicle/newspaper/online (e.g. Facebook) advertising
- Rental agreements for items including equipment and machinery
- Subscriptions
How do I apply?
If you are eligible for the Business Start-Up Grant and would like to apply, please either complete the enquiry form below, or email regeneration@bolsover.gov.uk with the subject line ‘Business Start-Up Grant’.
If you would like to speak to someone to find out more before applying then please ring Bolsover District Council on 01246 242512 for more information.
Once you have spoken to us, we will ask you to complete an Expression of Interest form. If your project meets the Start-Up Grant Scheme criteria, you will invited to complete a short application form along with a completed business plan (from a template) and relevant quotes for how you plan to use the grant funds.
How soon after applying will I find out if I am successful?
We aim to inform you of the outcome within 20 working days of receipt of your completed application.
After my application is approved, what happens next?
If the grant is approved, you will be sent a grant offer letter which you will need to sign, we will also request your bank account details. On receipt of the signed grant offer letter and business bank account details a payment of 80% of the project cost or £400, whichever is lower will be made within 10 working days.
Following on from this applicants will be required to supply additional information to prove that the grant has been used in accordance with the application for grant funding. Proof that purchase of the agreed items will be required before the remaining 20% of the project cost or £100 whichever is lower will be paid.
Am I eligible to apply for funding?
Businesses in any sector may apply for this grant, but you must have been trading for less than 18 months (or are planning to start trading), and be located in the district of Bolsover.
I haven't started trading yet, can I still apply?
Yes, businesses that are just starting up can apply before they begin trading.
What can the grant funding be used for?
Eligible expenditure includes but is not limited to:
- Equipment, tools and machinery
- Fixtures and fittings
- Website – only where this can be demonstrated to be a critical part of the business model for example shopping carts
- Marketing materials – for example business cards, flyers and brochures (this can include design costs)
- Computer hardware/software
- Exhibition stands and stalls and associated costs (excluding travel)
- Activities that support new ways of working
- Specialised and accredited training required to develop the business
What can't I use the grant funding for?
Ineligible expenditure includes but is not limited to:
- Stock/consumables
- Professional fees e.g. architect, accountant, consultant
- Planning Application and Building Regulation fees
- Essential running costs including wages/salaries, utility bills, overheads, insurance, tax
- Replacement items
- Vehicles
- Radio/vehicle/newspaper/online (e.g. Facebook) advertising
- Rental agreements for items including equipment and machinery
- Subscriptions
How do I apply?
If you are eligible for the Business Start-Up Grant and would like to apply, please either complete the enquiry form below, or email regeneration@bolsover.gov.uk with the subject line ‘Business Start-Up Grant’.
If you would like to speak to someone to find out more before applying then please ring Bolsover District Council on 01246 242512 for more information.
Once you have spoken to us, we will ask you to complete an Expression of Interest form. If your project meets the Start-Up Grant Scheme criteria, you will invited to complete a short application form along with a completed business plan (from a template) and relevant quotes for how you plan to use the grant funds.
How soon after applying will I find out if I am successful?
We aim to inform you of the outcome within 20 working days of receipt of your completed application.
After my application is approved, what happens next?
If the grant is approved, you will be sent a grant offer letter which you will need to sign, we will also request your bank account details. On receipt of the signed grant offer letter and business bank account details a payment of 80% of the project cost or £400, whichever is lower will be made within 10 working days.
Following on from this applicants will be required to supply additional information to prove that the grant has been used in accordance with the application for grant funding. Proof that purchase of the agreed items will be required before the remaining 20% of the project cost or £100 whichever is lower will be paid.