Photo © Colin Smith (cc-by-sa/2.0)
The Business Growth Grant Scheme offers grants of £1,000 to £10,000 to help businesses located in the district of Bolsover grow, create jobs, or become more carbon efficient.
If your business has been trading for more than 18 months you may be eligible to apply. Please read the FAQ below and download the Business Growth Guidance Notes for more information.

What is the Business Growth Grant for?
The Business Growth Grant is available to support existing businesses (trading for more than 18 months) to:
- Expand/grow resulting in job creation
- Increase productivity/turnover
- Introduce new products to the business
- Become more carbon efficient
- Adopt digital solutions
- Introduce new to the firm technologies and processes
- Develop local supply chain relationships
- Access new clients and/or new contracts
- Diversify into new markets/export
- Relocate to premises within the Bolsover district
Am I eligible to apply for funding?
Your business may be eligible to apply for the Business Growth Grant if:
- The business is located in Bolsover District, or accessing the grant would enable a move into premises in the Bolsover District
- The business operates as a sole trader, partnership, or limited company. Social enterprises are also eligible to apply where sustainable future income is proven
- The business is a micro, small or medium sized business, i.e. up to 249 employees and a turnover less than 50 million Euros
- The business is established and you will can demonstrate growth through increased productivity/turnover from the last two years accounts. If you haven’t yet started your business, or have been trading for less than 18 months, you won’t be eligible for this grant, but you may be eligible for a Business Start-Up Grant
- The business needs to be trading from business premises, i.e. liable to pay business rates to Bolsover District Council (businesses located in Bolsover that are in receipt of small business rate relief, exempt from paying business rates for agricultural land/buildings and those in shared office space are also eligible). Businesses are also eligible if they will be liable to pay business rates as part of the grant funded project, for example, the grant will enable the business to move into business premises within the Bolsover district. Businesses who use a virtual office in the district of Bolsover as their trading address are excluded from applying for a Growth Grant. Businesses that are trading from a residential property are also excluded from applying for a Business Growth Grant.
- You can demonstrate that the grant will enable the business to create job(s) and/or improve productivity/profitability. If the business has been adversely affected by the impact of Covid-19 and can demonstrate that the grant will help your business to recover from income losses then it may still be eligible. You will need to declare any other grant funding applied for/received due to the Covid-19 pandemic
- Funding is available to all industry sectors subject to Subsidy Control rules
I have been trading for less than 18 months, can I still apply?
Businesses that have been trading for less than 18 months are not eligible for the Business Growth Grant but may instead be able to apply for the Business Start-Up Growth Grant
What can the grant funding be used for?
The scheme will fund both capital and revenue expenditure and includes but is not limited to:
- Equipment and machinery
- Computer hardware/software – any ICT purchases should form part of an overall investment strategy and a comprehensive rationale will need to be provided for why the investment is required
- Specialist consultancy and/or training
- Relocation/fit out costs of premises (not moving transport costs)
- Improving/extending premises (subject to planning permission approval)
- Websites where this is a critical part of the business model, for example enable international sales, or incorporate additional functions that will increase sales/improve efficiency such as shopping carts
What can't I use the grant funding for?
Expenditure that doesn’t evidence growth potential/job creation and which do not meet with the funders outcomes for the scheme will not be eligible. This includes but is not limited to:
- Vehicles
- Feasibility studies
- Planning application fees and building control fees
- Replacement items
- Activity to address decreases in trade
- Wages/salaries
- Stock/consumables
- Further and higher education training
- New website (basic functionality)
- Radio/vehicle/newspaper/online (e,g. Facebook) advertising
- Marketing literature
- Attendance and exhibiting at Trade events
- Rental agreements for items including equipment and machinery
- Subscriptions
How much funding can I apply for?
Businesses can apply for funding for projects from £1,000 to £10,000.
Up to 80%* of the total project cost can be applied for up to a maximum of £10,000; the remaining percentage of the cost of the project must be funded by the business applying for the grant.
Please note that the grant is not retrospective and therefore any payments for work carried out, deposits paid, or orders placed BEFORE a business has received, signed and returned the grant offer letter WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR GRANT PAYMENT
*maximum grant contribution of 80% of the project cost up to £10,000 is not guaranteed.
The Grant Panel have the discretion to offer a lower grant intervention rate to applicants
How do I apply?
If you are eligible for the Business Growth Grant and would like to apply, please either complete the enquiry form below, or email regeneration@bolsover.gov.uk with the subject line ‘Business Growth Grant’.
If you would like to speak to someone to find out more before applying then please ring Bolsover District Council on 01246 242512 for more information.
Once you have spoken to us, we will ask you to complete an Expression of Interest form. If your project meets the Business Growth Grant Scheme criteria, you will be invited to complete an on-line application which must be submitted within 12 weeks of receiving the invitation.
How soon after applying will I find out if I am successful?
We aim to inform you of the outcome within 20 working days of receipt of your completed application.
After my application is approved, what happens next?
If the grant is approved, the Council will send you a claim form, with instructions about what to do next. This should be completed and returned with:
- Certified copy invoices that match the costs and suppliers stated in the offer letter
- Evidence that invoices have been paid in full (copy of business bank statement)
- Photographs of the project, activity or equipment
- A list of all the items (an asset register) the grant has contributed towards
- Where relevant, evidence of outputs achieved, for example, an employment contract for a job created, audited accounts for increases in turnover
- Visit by Economic Development Officer before payment is made
- A progress report explaining what progress has been made so far, including details of any delays
What is the Business Growth Grant for?
The Business Growth Grant is available to support existing businesses (trading for more than 18 months) to:
- Expand/grow resulting in job creation
- Increase productivity/turnover
- Introduce new products to the business
- Become more carbon efficient
- Adopt digital solutions
- Introduce new to the firm technologies and processes
- Develop local supply chain relationships
- Access new clients and/or new contracts
- Diversify into new markets/export
- Relocate to premises within the Bolsover district
Am I eligible to apply for funding?
Your business may be eligible to apply for the Business Growth Grant if:
- The business is located in Bolsover District, or accessing the grant would enable a move into premises in the Bolsover District
- The business operates as a sole trader, partnership, or limited company. Social enterprises are also eligible to apply where sustainable future income is proven
- The business is a micro, small or medium sized business, i.e. up to 249 employees and a turnover less than 50 million Euros
- The business is established and you will can demonstrate growth through increased productivity/turnover from the last two years accounts. If you haven’t yet started your business, or have been trading for less than 18 months, you won’t be eligible for this grant, but you may be eligible for a Business Start-Up Grant
- The business trades from business premises, i.e. liable to pay business rates to Bolsover District Council (businesses getting small business rate relief are also eligible). Businesses are also eligible if they will be liable to pay business rates to Bolsover District Council as part of the grant funded project, for example, the grant will enable the business to move into business premises within the Bolsover District. Businesses that are trading from a residential property are excluded from applying for a Business Growth Grant
- You can demonstrate that the grant will enable the business to create job(s) and/or improve productivity/profitability. If the business has been adversely affected by the impact of Covid-19 and can demonstrate that the grant will help your business to recover from income losses then it may still be eligible. You will need to declare any other grant funding applied for/received due to the Covid-19 pandemic
- Funding is available to all industry sectors subject to Subsidy Control rules
I have been trading for less than 18 months, can I still apply?
Businesses that have been trading for less than 18 months are not eligible for the Business Growth Grant but may instead be able to apply for the Business Start-Up Growth Grant
What can the grant funding be used for?
The scheme will fund both capital and revenue expenditure and includes but is not limited to:
- Equipment and machinery
- Computer hardware/software – any ICT purchases should form part of an overall investment strategy and a comprehensive rationale will need to be provided for why the investment is required
- Specialist consultancy and/or training
- Relocation/fit out costs of premises (not moving transport costs)
- Improving/extending premises (subject to planning permission approval)
- Websites where this is a critical part of the business model, for example enable international sales, or incorporate additional functions that will increase sales/improve efficiency such as shopping carts
What can't I use the grant funding for?
Expenditure that doesn’t evidence growth potential/job creation and which do not meet with the funders outcomes for the scheme will not be eligible. This includes but is not limited to:
- Vehicles
- Feasibility studies
- Planning application fees and building control fees
- Replacement items
- Activity to address decreases in trade
- Wages/salaries
- Stock/consumables
- Further and higher education training
- New website (basic functionality)
- Radio/vehicle/newspaper/online (e,g. Facebook) advertising
- Marketing literature
- Attendance and exhibiting at Trade events
- Rental agreements for items including equipment and machinery
- Subscriptions
How much funding can I apply for?
Businesses can apply for funding for projects from £1,000 to £10,000.
Up to 80%* of the total project cost can be applied for up to a maximum of £10,000; the remaining percentage of the cost of the project must be funded by the business applying for the grant.
Please note that the grant is not retrospective and therefore any payments for work carried out, deposits paid, or orders placed BEFORE a business has received, signed and returned the grant offer letter WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR GRANT PAYMENT
*maximum grant contribution of 80% of the project cost up to £10,000 is not guaranteed.
The Grant Panel have the discretion to offer a lower grant intervention rate to applicants
How do I apply?
If you are eligible for the Business Growth Grant and would like to apply, please either complete the enquiry form below, or email regeneration@bolsover.gov.uk with the subject line ‘Business Growth Grant’.
If you would like to speak to someone to find out more before applying then please ring Bolsover District Council on 01246 242512 for more information.
Once you have spoken to us, we will ask you to complete an Expression of Interest form. If your project meets the Business Growth Grant Scheme criteria, you will be invited to complete an on-line application which must be submitted within 12 weeks of receiving the invitation.
How soon after applying will I find out if I am successful?
We aim to inform you of the outcome within 20 working days of receipt of your completed application.
After my application is approved, what happens next?
If the grant is approved, the Council will send you a claim form, with instructions about what to do next. This should be completed and returned with:
- Certified copy invoices that match the costs and suppliers stated in the offer letter
- Evidence that invoices have been paid in full (copy of business bank statement)
- Photographs of the project, activity or equipment
- A list of all the items (an asset register) the grant has contributed towards
- Where relevant, evidence of outputs achieved, for example, an employment contract for a job created, audited accounts for increases in turnover
- Visit by Economic Development Officer before payment is made
- A progress report explaining what progress has been made so far, including details of any delays